Sunday, January 27, 2008

Two More

The last post of poetry was not all that pretty, and for that I apologize. One of my resolutions this year is to get back to my original state in poetry and, admittedly, it has been a learning process. However, I have two more to show you...and one is even in that wonderful quatrain/couplet 8/6 scheme that I've grown so found for my fixed form these days. Their titled: "Befuddlement!—my Muse" and, "Epiphany of the Creative Morgue."


Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I pout a new poem on the Poetry seciton called, "Words to Love on Her Apparent Nature." Trying to get back into my groove with poetry but my novel is coming by quite nicely. But check it out sometime, I'll post more when more is finished.
